Let’s do mora practice with familiar vocabularies! — pronounce with rhythm patterns
- Can do : grasp the sense of mora by using rhythm patterns
- Study Style : Practice along the rhythm pattern in your mind
- Tools: Papers and pens
- Preparation : Vocabularies that you are studying/you have studied
How to
1. Analyze the vocabs’ rhythm patterns
- tta (short syllable):あ、か、きゃ・・
- tan (Long syllable):あっ、あー、あん、あい・・
*tan is for special mora and diphthong
- ビル:ta ta
- ビール:tan ta
- きのう:ta tan
2. Divide familiar vocabularies into patterns
- tata:ビル とり ちず
- tanta:ビール とおり チーズ
- tatan:きのう りょこう とけい
3. Pronounce each patterns of vocabularies
If you cannot find more than 1 vocabs for a pattern, repeat the word more than 3 times.
Try not to pause between words for better grasping of the rhythm!
Once you succeed pronouncing words, add particles and try again!
Make as many rhythm patterns as possible.