つたえる はつおん

Let’s practice by check accents and intonations of sentences you made



How to

Access OJAD on the internet

Choose [prosody tutor Suzuki] from [4 functions of OJAD] on the left of the page

Put sentences that you want to practice


Birds and eggs, which came first? This is not only a science issue. A mathematician concluded that [Eggs came first because it is possible to guess the number of chicken from the number of eggs, but it is impossible vice versa.]

Put slash (/) as a sign to pause.

  1. After particles
    • 例:4月から / 日本の大学に / 通っています。 (I go to Japanese University since this April.)
  2. A place that could be cut meaningfully in a long modifier of a non-inflectable words (more than 15mora/more than 15 hiragana)
    • 例:初めて確認された / ウィルス性の感染症です。 (It is the first discovered infection caused by virus.)

Set [pitch pattern][pitch contour with accent(advanced)], and set [accent above text][advanced]. Then press [Analyze].

Accents and intonations of sentences you put will appear in the box.

You can listen to the model sound by pressing [generate].