Let’s practice rhythm with beat noise!
- Can do : Grasp the sense of the length in Japanese sound by harmonize with beat noise.
- style : Practice pronunciation with beat noise.
- Tools: beat noise
- Preparation: Vocabularies or sentences that you want to practice the rhythm.
How to
2. Repeat the sentence/Vocabs : Repeat after listening to the sound.
- 「てんどんです」(It’s tempura rice bowl)
- 「てんどんだいすきです」(I love tempura rice bowl)
3. Overlapping: Pronounce at the same time as the model sound. (After overlapping, Shadowing : Pronounce after the model sound.)
- 「てんどんです」
- 「てんどんだいすきです」
4. Use sentences or Vocabs you want to practice the rhythm.
- 「何からやったらいいですか」
- 「何からやってもいいですよ」
5. Try without the beat noise.
6. Choose the best method for you (Repeat or overlapping) and keep practicing.