つたえる はつおん

Let’s grasp the accent of compound noun.



1. What s compound noun?

Noun+Noun:A word which is consisted with 2 or more nouns

2. The rules of the accents of compound nouns

The accent will be one mountain shaped accent. The sound goes down right after the first syllable of the second word.


Sometimes the accent will not be the mountain when the second noun is too long.

Some words have 2 possibility of accent such as Foreigner registration certificate

  1. 外国人登録 (Foreigner registration) + 証明書 (certificate) → 
  2. 外国人 (Foreigner) + 登録証明書 (registration certificate) → 

Accent of “person from ~”

The sound will be lower right before “ji”


When the last letter is either long vowel or N, it gets lower before or after Ji.